Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Sketching the Season

Last week, I made this sketch:

I started off making the sketch of the witch in profile, and that went so well, I decided to add the other witch.  I don't often like the way I draw people, so this sketch was such a happy surprise.  I added color, trees, more color, and the moon.  And then, because I am the way I am, I made additional sketches throughout the week, hoping for a repeat success:

I didn't create anything that I liked as well as the first sketch, but it was fun to keep trying.  

I kept my sense of humor/heresy (I wrote, "If the Holy Trinity was 3 witches . . . " at the top of the page:

I've gotten better at sketching houses since I first tried to draw a haunted house way back in 2020:

It's been awhile since I've been on such a sketching binge.  What a joy!

Yesterday, as I was taking pictures and enjoying the last day of warmth on the deck, I was struck by the leaves drifting by in the blue sky.  I can't capture that picture well, but I did photograph some leaves:

I put them in wine glasses and other arrangements:

I tried to capture the tree and the leaves.  Here's the photo of the tree I wish I had photographed a few days ago when it had more gold leaves:

Here's the sketch before I add color:

And then I tried to do something interesting with leaves and my favorite sketch:

Then it was time to come inside and get ready for my evening Ethics class.  It's an interesting time in which to be taking Ethics; more on that later.

1 comment:

  1. I'm behind in my blog reading but happy to see these sketches and your playfulness with the drawings and the leaves -- it's hard for me to remember that sometimes. So thank you!
