Friday, October 13, 2023

Synod Convocation: A Retrospective Overview

It is a foggy morning in these mountains of North Carolina.  It's been quite a week, mostly good stuff, very tiring.  We are close to having the flooring done in the lower part of the house, which is the part that matters most to me.  After that, bathroom remodels!  But in the meantime, the new dryer has stopped working, and hopefully, it's an easy fix, the electric connections jiggled loose during flooring install.  

I have been out of the house most of the week while the flooring has been happening.  The Southeastern Synod has been having its annual Convocation at Lutheridge.  Although they are called different things in different synods, Convocation is a combination of retreat and continuing ed and professional development time for rostered leaders in a Synod.  I've participated in most of it.  There was food and fellowship after the evening worship, and each night, I skipped that time.  By evening, I was exhausted.  I even skipped the last evening worship because I was just so tired.

Convocation for the larger group started with an opening worship service at 1:30 on Tuesday.  But I needed to be there a day earlier; all first call pastors, interim pastors, and conference deans had meetings and trainings. 

Our days started at 7:30, with morning worship, and my day started earlier, as I tried to stay minimally caught up with all the classes that I teach.  We had a keynote address each morning, and each day we had a selection of workshops.  One afternoon we had free time, and I helped with the crafting opportunities.  We had evening worship, followed by fellowship time.  We had leisurely meals which led to further opportunities to get to know each other.

I am part of the Synod both because I am a SAM at Faith Bristol and because I have an internship with the Synod during the 2023-24 school year.  It was great to get to know my fellow Synod members in a closer way and to be part of the team that pulled it together.

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