Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Systematically Staying Connected

I have been doing a deep dive into my midterm paper for Systematic Theology class, so my attention for other types of writing feels a bit fragmented.  Still, let me make a post to capture a few elements.

--I had been dreading the writing of this Systematic Theology paper.  So much of what we've covered in class just doesn't matter to me.  What does the word begotten mean?  Was Jesus truly human, and how could this be possible if he was divine?  If God died on that cross, was the universe without a divine ruler for those 3 days?

Finally on Monday, I couldn't put off this writing any longer, so I dove in.  The first part was a bit grueling to write, with the requirements to cover some early heresies like modalism and Arianism, but it was also pleasing, like figuring out a puzzle.  

I reread the paper this morning, and I'm pleased.  There's always the worry that I've written in a way that my professor will hate.  But the assignment does tell me to discuss my developing Christology in terms of the incarnation, the crucifixion, and the resurrection, and that's what I've done.  I've checked and rechecked to make sure I included all the Bible passages required and referenced all the church history of heresy and explanation. 

--Last night we went to Pub Theology.  We went for the first time two weeks ago and had a great time.  Last night we went to one brewery that was packed; their outside area was less appealing than it was two weeks ago as the weather has gotten chillier.  So we went to a different brewery, one we hadn't been to before.  It's cool to explore other breweries, but it's even better to get to know some of the folks from our Lutheran church that's nearby our Lutheridge house.  With me preaching every Sunday in Bristol, it's a good way to stay connected.

--Another good way to stay connected is through the quilt group.  Today I go over to help set up the quilts in the sanctuary; they will be blessed on Sunday and then sent to Lutheran World Relief.  I love doing this work.  It's a great way of doing some volunteer work, but more than that, I've really enjoyed getting to know the members better.

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