Sunday, November 12, 2023

A Quick Post as Quilt Camp Ends

At some point, I hope to create a longer post about Quilt Camp, but it won't be today.  I need to get ready for church, and then open up the Faith Center for Quilt Camp.  I won't be there long; I still need to go across the mountains to preach, and we leave at 7:15 this morning.

Let me post a few reflections about Quilt Camp before I shift gears to get ready for the day:

--It's my first time quilting since I broke my wrist.  I've been sewing since my broken wrist, but not quilting, which is different.  My wrist didn't hurt as much as I expected it to, but my hand hurt differently than in the pre-break days, like a tendon gets sore more quickly.  Do hands have tendons?  Hmm.  

--There were times when I wished I did more measured quilting, creating new patterns out of geometric shapes.  Then I tried it and remembered why I don't do that.

--I pulled out my basket of unfinished log cabin patchwork.  What a delight to get back to that!

--I felt a bit of sadness, thinking about the last time I was sewing in a white, hot heat.  I understand why I shifted away from that--I needed to get my seminary coursework done for spring term, and then I came back to our construction zone of a house.  And perhaps sewing and quilting has always been more of a winter activity for me; I'm not sure.

--I've gotten so many ideas and so much inspiration from this time at Quilt Camp--what a gift!

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