Thursday, November 9, 2023

Dispatches from Quilt Camp

I went up the hill to Lutheridge yesterday just before 3 p.m., and settled in to sewing.  I returned home at 8:15, got ready for bed, and sank into a restorative sleep.  Hurray for Quilt Camp!

I am a bit worried at the way my fingers already ache/feel pricked, and my right wrist is oddly sore.  But I'll keep going as long as I can.  I have a high school graduation present to finish!

A few observations:

--Rudy Mancke died on Tuesday; he was 78, and I thought he was eternal.  Not really, but he did seem to have a timeless quality that makes his death a shock.  If you ever lived in South Carolina and listened to public radio, you probably heard his voice.  He was a naturalist and knew so much about his part of the planet.  Go here to read more.

--I had a parishioner write me a friendly e-mail asking for more information about what I said in a sermon in October, about when the Gospels were written.  I was so happy to be able to answer the question, perhaps in a more detailed way than he wanted.  I was also thrilled, of course, that he was paying attention and continuing to ponder.

--Quilt Camp has me thinking about how wonderful it is to have a huge space where we can spread out, sew together, but be working on individual projects.  I am remembering a dream I once had, of owning and operating such a space.  Would local folks come and pay for the privilege of work space?  I suspect they would, but I never wanted to run the numbers to see if it would be a viable business enterprise.

--It also makes me think of retirement dreams:  lots of small houses with communal space for creating together.  Here, too, I don't want to be the one who comes up with a business plan.

And now it's time for another day at Quilt Camp--let the sewing begin!

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