Friday, November 17, 2023

Friday Fragments from Hilda of Whitby to Warm Morning Temps

I feel a bit frazzled this morning, unusual for a Friday, but then again, I had weird dreams and lots of waking up in the night.  In other words, I'm less rested than I thought I would be back when I first heard that my Nov. 16 night class would be a recording that I could watch at a better hour for me.  I did go to bed early last night, but alas.

So, let me record a few fragments and see if they cohere:

--I spent yesterday working with students one on one to see if they are understanding the research paper writing process.  My neck is sore from craning to look at their laptops.

--It is wild to me that I have 2 more trips to campus, and then I won't be back on campus until Jan. 9. I'll have some grading to do, which will be done by Dec. 5, and then I'm done. There are advantages to being an adjunct!

--Of course, I won't have money.  Ah, the story of my life:  I seem to have money coming in or time, but rarely both.

--We ordered some gorgeous tile for one bathroom shower, and it's in.  The sample piece might be somewhat different from what we get, and I can hardly wait to see it.  The sample piece was gorgeous, and the variations likely will be too.  Stay tuned!

--We are probably nearing the end of the warmer days of late autumn.  I will miss this warmth.  The last few days I've gone out in the morning to walk in shorts.

--It is the feast day of Saint Hilda of Whitby, who was lived from 614 to 680.  Not only that, she lived in the far north of England.  For more about her, see this post on my theology blog.

--I think of those ancient people living in times that seemed contemporary and cosmopolitan to them.  I think of cultures who didn't know what horrors were headed their way.  And of course, I'm wondering about my own time.

--We've been watching part of season 3 of The Chosen.  What a good show, good in ways that Christian programming or any pop culture that deal with Jesus, so often are not.  I love how the show makes clear that Jesus and his followers were Jewish and quite serious about their religion.  I love how the show depicts the different cultures, all living on top of each other and most of them trying to coexist peacefully.  I love how the show depicts the dangers they all faced, each group, from the Roman rulers to the lower social ranks.

--Let me go get my walk done and enjoy the last of the warm mornings (warm is in the 50's these days, which will seem very warm in a few weeks when the lows are in the 20's).

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