Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Late Autumn Slipping into Winter

It is the coldest morning of the season so far (which season?  autumn?  autumn sliding into winter?).  We left a faucet dripping all night, just to be on the safe side.  I'll go for a walk a bit later in the morning.  Actually, I just looked at the hourly temp projections, and I'll try going for an afternoon walk.  I don't like to do that because it's too easy to put off, but let me try.

It was so cold this morning, we lit a fire in the fireplace--so lovely!  We have discovered the Christmas music stations on Spotify, and this morning we have the peaceful piano Christmas channel playing.

I don't have all the Christmas decorations unpacked.  In truth, this may be the extent of what we do.  

I know there are some boxes up in the loft, but it seems too much effort to get them down.  As long as I have some lights, I'll be fine.  The year I do nothing is the year to be worried about me.

We're also feeding the birds.  I sent this window bird feeder to my spouse last winter, and it's continued to bring joy.  

During the summer, when bears are out and about, we take it down, but we can't resist feeding them.  We spread birdseed on the railings of our deck, which I wrote about in this blog post.

I wish I had captured the scene from this window that I saw in the middle of the night, moonlight on the deck and the shadows of tree branches from above.  It looked otherworldly and luminous.  The full moon this month has been gorgeous. 

This morning I made this Twitter/X post:  "Here for #5amwritersclub, here to write a blog post about the small things in life that slip by if left unnoted: the first really cold temps of the year, the shadows of tree limbs on a moonlit deck, late autumn slipping to winter."

And now I have.

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