Monday, November 20, 2023

Thanksgiving Monday Meanderings

How can it be Thanksgiving week already?  It's interesting this year, because I'm in an anticipatory mood, but not feeling the desperate yearning for the holiday to be here.  In fact, I'm a bit surprised to fin that Thanksgiving week is upon us.  I'm not feeling the desperate yearning to get out of South Florida; I live in the place I was always longing for.  I'm not desperate for a break from work and deranged bosses.  I am trying not to feel sad that I let abusive work situations continue for as long as they did.

Let me shift my mindset to gratitude, which seems appropriate, given the focus of Thanksgiving.  I am grateful to be in jobs I like, with people who appreciate me.  I am grateful to be in a house that is part of the residential community of Lutheridge.  I am grateful to have figured out a way to stay in seminary.

In past years, we might have been driving today, or getting ready to drive tomorrow.  This year, we'll go out to the Tobacco Barn to see all the antiques, collectibles, and quirky stuff that people have both salvaged and created.  Last year, we went there and found the cedar boards that now make up our fireplace mantel.  This year, we're looking for a dresser and a desk, and whatever other things might inspire us.

Later today, after we've done our final cooking for the day, I'll do a clean up of the kitchen, the stove top and countertops.  Our family members aren't staying with us; we will still be in the ramshackle house that we always rent at Lutheridge--it's big enough for all of us, and it's hard to find houses with enough bedrooms for short term rentals.  

Our family members will want to pop by to see the renovations, so I want the house to be somewhat presentable, and thus, a bit of work is in order.  I've been putting it off because I knew I would need to do it again today.

But first, a walk!  It's a week of heavy eating.  I wish I could say that heavy eating is an aberration, but I have not been very cautious for these past few months.  A reckoning may be in order, but not this week.  But a walk is always a good idea, especially ahead of the storms and colder weather scheduled for later this week.

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