Monday, November 6, 2023

Time in November

The end of daylight savings time always seems a marker to me, that sudden shift to afternoon darkness.  Before we turned back the clocks, I could tell myself that it wasn't really getting dark that much earlier; what's a minute here and there.  Last night, the difference was clear.

As in past years, I gave up trying to adjust to a new schedule, and I went to bed sometime between 7 and 7:30.  I didn't sleep well the night before, so I fell right asleep.  And I slept through the night, which means that although I woke up every 2 hours or so, I was able to fall right back asleep, which hasn't been my pattern for a few weeks.  I slept until almost 5 this morning, and it was a good quality sleep with good dreams.

This week is quilt camp, which means I'll have a different relationship to time this week.  In some ways, it will be less structured starting on Wed.  I have permission to miss my Wed. and Thursday night seminary classes, since I am going to a retreat.  I'm not driving to Spartanburg on Thursday.  

But I'm trying to be very focused on getting a quilt done for my nephew, who will graduate from high school in the spring.  It is the quilt I've been working on for several years without realizing I was working on it for him.  I think he'll like the colors.  It will be huge, so it can serve him through the years.

When my sister was pregnant with him, I thought I would make more quilts for him than I have.  I would never have anticipated the total collapse of my quilt group, and looking back, I realize how much we helped each other keep going with our projects. 

I don't know if he'll cherish this quilt, and part of me wonders why giving him a quilt feels so important.  But I know why it does--I made baby quilts for him and then a quilt for his big boy bed.  This passage feels important to, and necessary to have a quilt to mark it.

But before I get to quilt camp, today is a more normal Monday:  readings to do for tonight's class, writing to do, and always, grading.

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