Tuesday, December 5, 2023

End of Semester Balancing

My blogging has fallen off a bit.  I realize that some people might look at my frequency of posting, 4-7 times a week, as extreme.  But once, I blogged each and every day, two new posts, one for my theology blog and one for this blog.

My poetry writing has also fallen off a bit.  I looked through my files and was astonished to see that I haven't done anything with poetry since the earliest days of November.  It makes sense.  November was a time of schedule upsets, with Quilt Camp and Thanksgiving.  I have no regrets.  Well, that's not strictly true.  I wish that I had a schedule upset and then went right back to regular poetry writing, and everything else that is good for me, like exercise and eating enough vegetables.

Ah well.  By the time I figure out how to do that, perhaps I'll be retired.  Or maybe it will be a lifelong balancing act.

My balancing act is off balance these days because the end of the semester is upon me.  Yesterday I turned in grades, after spending a week-end deep in grading.  Turning in grades sounds so easy, like sliding a slip of paper into a mailbox.  But these days, it involves having several windows open on my computer, going back and forth, checking and doublechecking, waiting for the grade submission report, and saving it.

So, I've got grades turned in for my Spartanburg Methodist College classes.  But I still have grading to do along with final grade submissions for 3 online classes.  My seminary classes aren't done, but the end is coming soon; I'm trying not to feel panicky about the two papers I need to write.

So, today's blog post will not be substantive.  In fact, I just got an e-mail that said that I'm late in meeting the requirement to have the syllabus for next semester's class uploaded, the class that doesn't start until Jan. 22.  So I'll plug in those dates this morning.

But I do want to note one last thing.  We may get snow tonight!  Yesterday morning, the forecast was for nothing to a light dusting.  Then at some point in the afternoon, the forecast changed to a light dusting to an inch.  Now the forecast is for an inch or two.  Or maybe just a trace.

We live in the southern part of the county, at a lower elevation, so we may get rain instead of snow.  I have lived in southern places with winter weather to know that we will rarely get snow.  Still, I've been surprised by how thrilled I feel.  Part of it is the kind of snow that we'll get, the kind that will be gone by noon.  Part of it is that I don't have to leave the house tomorrow if the situation gets really bad.  And part of it is that snow fits a Christmas vibe.

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