Sunday, January 14, 2024

Across the Mountains in a Different Direction

I realize I've been going across mountains in multiple directions:  down to Spartanburg, SC, north to Bristol, Tennessee.  On Friday, we went a different way:  west to Knoxville, and then down to my in-laws' new house between Knoxville and Chattanooga.  That mountain scenery was gorgeous in a much more rugged way, a roadway hewn through rock way.

When we left on Friday, the weather on our side of the mountain was sunny and calm, although there was a wind advisory.  As we made our way over the mountains, the wind increased.  As we got closer to our destination, rain spewed from the sky on us too.

It was the kind of wind and rain that uprooted trees along the way and ripped shingles and siding off the new construction; happily my in-law's house held up well.  We hunkered down for the afternoon and had a lovely time talking and cooking and playing cards.

Yesterday was an easier trip back, with no rain and less wind.  Still, I40 has more twists and turns than my usual routes on I26; if I was traveling hours each week on I40, it might feel more onerous than my usual trips.

Because I've been around a variety of people this week, and because some of them have been sick, we both took Covid tests yesterday.  Happily, we are both negative.  So, off we go soon, across the mountains north to Bristol, Tennessee, to Faith Lutheran where I preside as a Synod Appointed Minister.

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