Monday, January 8, 2024

End of Holiday Snippets

It's been a good week-end, a good 6 week holiday season.  Let me record some snippets before they melt away.

--I had tracked the storm that turned into someone else's storm all week.  In the end, we barely got much in the way of anything frozen.  We did have some snow blowing through the air as we came back across the mountains from Faith Lutheran in Bristol, Tennessee yesterday.  It didn't disrupt our travel, and it did make the landscape lovely.

--I'm glad that I didn't have to miss church.  I felt better about the sermons yesterday than I usually do:  more in this blog post.

--It was strange to descend 1500 feet from the top of the mountain range to our house, where the skies were bright blue.

--The classes that I teach in person at Spartanburg Methodist College start tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to it, in many ways.  It will be good to get back to a schedule, and I like the campus and my colleagues there.  Last semester, I had two classes, and this term, I'll have three.  I'll need to leave a bit earlier than last term.  Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be very rainy, so I may leave even earlier.

--Three of my seminary classes start a week from Wednesday, and the fourth starts two weeks from Wednesday.  Two of them are completely online, which I'm looking forward to, more than I once might have.  But in the meantime, I need to finish a Lenten Bible study for my internship by the end of the month.  Happily, I'm 1/6 the way finished.

--For the past few mornings, I've opened up a new Word document and recorded some lines.  At some point, I need to return to all these rough drafts that I've created over the past half year to see if any of them hold up and/or to do more with them to transform them into finished drafts.  

--Or maybe I don't.  I was scrolling through various literary journal sites feeling depressed at all the submission fees.  But why should I feel depressed?  Happily, my career does not depend on me getting poems published in today's literary journal scene.

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