Thursday, January 11, 2024

First Days, Reading Days

In a bit of time, I'll make my way down the mountain--time to try meeting my in person classes in person again at Spartanburg Methodist College.  Tuesday was supposed to be the first day, but it worked out to move those classes online in terms of weather.  Today I'll leave a bit earlier than I anticipate leaving on most days, because I'm not sure what the traffic is like this much earlier than when I used to leave on Tuesdays and Thursdays last semester.  I'll take a book, because I imagine that I'll get there extra early, which will give me more time, even with needing to get syllabi copied and such.

Speaking of which, I read this article in The Washington Post about how many books most people have read in 2023, which also lets you compare yourself to others in terms of percentile.  The 99th percentile was 55+ books read.  I read at least 70 books last year, and that doesn't even count the chunks of books that I read for seminary, which in terms of pages would total at least one book.  Books I started but decided weren't worth finishing--also at least one book.

The article gives all sorts of interesting statistics about how we're reading (paper books, ebooks) and what we own.  It also lists the types of books by popularity--poetry is dead last, sigh.  Of course, as I reread the article, I'm seeing that the sample size is very small:  1500 adults surveyed.   Hmm.

So, it's probably not a surprise that slightly less than half of these adults read zero books.  I always feel like I'm not reading enough, and that's one reason why I keep a list.  Plus, it helps if I to go back to see if I did read a book by a particular author.  It's the rare year that I challenge myself to achieve a certain number, so it's not a high pressure thing for me.

Well, let me go get ready for class, ready for the drive.

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