Tuesday, January 2, 2024

On the Road Again

While my spouse stays in North Carolina to make progress on home renovations, I'm making a quick trip up to Williamsburg to see my folks.  I feel lucky to have this extended time off, to be having a reunion while others return to work and school.  

Right now, the weather looks good, and I think I'll scoot home just before the potentially wintry mix moves across the mountains; I'm not sure what that weather forecast means for my Sunday morning travels.  No one is sure, as the timing and the trajectory are still iffy.

This morning is a more leisurely travel morning; I'm not leaving until 7.  I feel lucky to live in a place where I can leave at 7, and not be stuck sitting in rush hour traffic for two hours before I get to the main part of the trip.

Of course, I'm also leaving closer to sunrise because I don't like driving mountain highways in the darkest part of the early morning.  But that, too, feels fortunate--my trip is 6-7 hours, and in the past, it took 6 hours just to get out of the state of Florida, six hours of very boring scenery.  This morning I'll get mountains on one end, and the very different beauty of the James River on the other end. 

Since it's a travel morning, this post will be one of my shorter ones.  Let me focus on the tasks at hand, so that I can, indeed, be on the road by 7.

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