Saturday, January 27, 2024

Scattered Saturday

Despite having had a good week, I feel a bit scattered today.  Let me collect a few thoughts and see if they cohere:

--A week from tomorrow, I need to have a 1-2 page bibliography for my Environmental History of Christianity class, so this morning, I did some library/online searches.  I've gone from being afraid that I might have no sources to being afraid that I have too many sources--and afraid that any ideas I have may have been done to death already.

--In that class, I could avoid a big paper by being part of a small group that would meet by way of Zoom periodically (4-6 times for the term) and discuss other works.  I think I prefer to write the paper.  The small group might be wonderful, but I really need the flexibility of an asynchronous class.  I don't want to have to commit to a Zoom session--and frankly, I don't have as much time as I once would have for a scheduled meeting.

--Today I need to plan for the PowerPoint I need to create for Thursday.  Tomorrow at church, I'll need to take some photos.  Here's the assignment:

Create an upload a 10-15-slide “Show and Tell” PowerPoint/Canva (or any software of choice) presentation introducing your worshiping tradition/s, both past and current.

It needs to have images and/or videos, and it needs to cover baptism and communion and what worship spaces look like.  So I need to make sure I have some images.

--Yesterday I went for a mid-afternoon walk in shorts and a long-sleeved T-shirt, and returned home very sweaty.  Yes, I returned home sweaty on the last Friday afternoon in January.

--I saw this article in The New York Times and thought the title would make a great line for a poem:  What do you call a galaxy without stars?

We have lots of rain in the forecast today, so let me bring this writing to a close and head out for my walk.  The weather conditions aren't likely to be better later.  I'm pretty sure I won't return home sweaty this morning.

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