Saturday, January 20, 2024

Snow At Last!

My writing time is short this morning, and I know that recent posts may convince some that I've shifted from a poetry/creativity blog to a weather blog.  But that shift is temporary.  I know that eventually the winter weather may seem humdrum.  Or maybe not--I'm closing in on 60 years old and still enchanted by snow.

Yesterday, as I was at the desk of my doctor's office checking out from an initial visit (the one you need so you can have a GP), I looked toward the window and said, "Wow!  It's snowing."  The front desk woman shrugged and said, "Yeah, it's really blowing out there.

So far, I haven't been able to get the kind of photo that captures the snow blowing; above is my best attempt.  It came down steadily for an hour or two, then stopped, then snowed a bit more.  We didn't get much accumulation, but it was beautiful.

I took a picture out of my front door this morning.  My spouse's leaf blower also works well as a snowblower, at least for the light snow we had yesterday.  We are not expecting more precipitation which may be a good thing, as cold as it is (10 degrees this morning).

Because of the severe cold and the fact that Bristol, Tennessee has had substantially more snow, service was cancelled tomorrow--no drive over the mountains in sub-zero weather.  We'd have probably made it just fine, but I'm also relieved that the lay leadership at the church made that decision on Thursday.  The congregation is a small group to begin with, and they thought that we wouldn't have many people brave the cold to come to church--and I would have been worried that those who did brave the cold and snow and ice shouldn't have.

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