Friday, January 5, 2024

Trip Hazards and Staying Upright

We have spent the past few days being super aware of trip hazards.  My mom and I both have feet that can find the smallest crack in the sidewalk, no matter what kind of shoes we're wearing.  My dad is very anxious about the possibility of my mom tripping and falling.  We've avoided cobblestones and uneven brick sidewalks in colonial Williamsburg.

It's also been cold, so we've stayed indoors.  

Yesterday I made this Facebook post to go with the above picture:  "Writing a sermon, with a different view this week. Here's the view from my parents' dining room table. Now to wait and see what the snow fall and ice will do for Sunday service plans in Bristol, Tennessee."

When I finished my sermon, I got up to put the laptop away.  In the picture above, you can see the edge of the sofa, the end away from the fireplace where my laptop bag was sitting.  I put the cords and the mouse away and turned to go back to the dining room table to get my laptop.

Somehow, my sneaker got tangled in the rug that you can see above, the rug that my parents have had for decades.  Down I went.

Happily, I plopped right down on my rear end, which has ample padding.  Happily, I did not break my fall with my head or my hip or my wrist.  I did somehow hit the underside of my arm on the dining room table, which has left an amazing bruise, and in the process, I moved the dining room table a foot.  Happily, my laptop stayed on top of the table.

It could have been worse, much, much worse.  Nothing broke, not even my pride.  I do not pride myself on how graceful I am, after all.  I know how hard it is to stay upright.

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