Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Waiting for Snow

I kept a watchful eye on the weather yesterday.  I knew we were on the outer edge of a powerful storm system; I felt sorry for the local NPR announcer who tried to sum up the weather for the listening area with some people expecting 3-6 inches of snow, some of us rain, and some of us would get nothing much.

We ended up getting nothing, but in a way, that's O.K.  I'm jealous of the snow that some people got, but I know we were more likely to get ice.  So having no precipitation is better than ice.  And it was pleasantly gloomy looking all day.  Oddly, it wasn't too cold.  I even went for a walk yesterday.

I got some writing done, and some reading for seminary classes that start tomorrow.  I created some handouts for the classes that I teach today.  The drywall person came to give us an estimate.  I looked at Bible commentaries to begin thinking about Sunday's sermon.  My spouse did some work to make Sunday's sermon available on video.

He taped me giving my sermon, minus the first minute, where I said I felt sympathy for Thomas, who will always be known as Doubting Thomas, and Nathaniel (John 1: 43-51) who said, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" The sermon is in 2 parts:

It was a good day, as I kept my eye on the weather. I even took a nap. I thought of our drywaller who told us that when he was a kid, if there was a possibility of snow overnight, he'd sleep in front of the sliding glass door so that he could be the first to see it. I woke up from my nap, and the gray light made it seem like it might be snowing. But it wasn't.

Like I said, I'm not upset.  It's good to be able to drive down the mountain to get to the classes that I teach.  It's not good to miss too many classes here at the beginning of the term.  I haven't taught them enough for them to have work to do on their own.

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