Monday, February 12, 2024

Superbowl Income Tax Sunday

I did not watch the Superbowl.  I am not a football person, and while the ads are occasionally intriguing, I'll likely see them later.  The halftime show rarely interests me, even if it's someone I like/have heard of.  It's been decades since I was invited to any kind of Superbowl party, and that's fine.  Football is so outside my frame of reference now that I can't even tell you if my local friends like football or not.

I used to go grocery shopping when the Superbowl was on--it was a pretty sure bet that the stores would be empty.  Happily, I'm at a time in my life when I have lots of opportunities to shop when other people are doing other activities, like work.

Nope, I finished doing our taxes last night.  They are less complicated than they have been in some years, but I did have my own "business," being a Synod Appointed Minister, so I had a bit more calculating to do, like mileage.  Happily, that, too, is fairly straight forward.  I put some notes to myself in this year's calendar, so that next year, when I calculate mileage, I'll remember that I had some extra trips in the Spring of 2024:  Ash Wednesday, the fish fry, and Maundy Thursday.

The biggest challenge was figuring out where to put the health insurance information.  We're on the ACA Marketplace exchange, and we need to enter some numbers so that we don't have to pay back the tax credit.  Once I figured out where the info goes, it was obvious, but it took me half an hour.

I use TurboTax to do all the calculating--again, usually a tool that makes life easier, except when I can't figure out how to find the section that will ask me for the information that I know I need to input.

And now to shift my attention to other matters.  It looks like a rainy afternoon, so I'll walk this morning, and do indoor stuff, like seminary work and grading, this afternoon.  And baking some pumpkin bread will be in order.


  1. Didn't watch the WhorizontalHole.
    Too busy saving'm indelible souls.
    The nasty world's on a roll
    2C who can sell their own.

    Yet not with me.
    I'm going Upstairs
    after I croak and I
    invite YOU to follow:
    ● ●
    Cya soon, miss adorable girl...

  2. Wurd!press nixed my account4talkN
    troof, brudda. So here's another:
    ● ●
    Cya soon, miss adorable girl...
