Saturday, February 17, 2024

When a Day Zooms By

At 7:45, I started getting ready for my 9 a.m. Zoom call with my quilt group friends, the Zoom call before the Bible study on parables that I lead for my Florida church once a month at 10 a.m.  Did I need 75 minutes before the first Zoom call?  No, I did not.  I was an hour off.

Happily, I realized that I was off, and no harm done.  But it's unsettling, nonetheless, especially in this current news climate where we're always yammering on about the mental fitness of the two elderly men who are likely to face each other in the U.S. presidential election.  More than ever, I find myself thinking, does this slip of my memory signal decline?  Of course, I'd likely wonder that anyway, with a history of elders with memory issues on both sides of my parents' family tree.

Speaking of those elders, last night I dreamed about my grandmother on my mother's side.  She was living in her house, which unlike some of my dreams, was not changed from when she lived there.  We were sorting fabric together.  It was a lovely dream.

Yesterday was one of those days where I felt like I got a lot done, but because it wasn't a lot of school work, it felt like I got nothing done.  I went to the library and to the Fresh Market, where I got a lot of Valentine's treats and a mix of 3 hot cocoa tins for 75% off.  Hurrah!  

I connected with the person in charge of CPE in Spartanburg.  After talking to the person in charge of CPE at the Asheville VA Hospital, I thought it would be wise to check out nearby possibilities because the VA Hospital has limited summer possibilities (none this summer, next summer perhaps but hard to say).  The Spartanburg option has lots of flexibility, and unlike Asheville, they don't do as much in the summer as they do in the fall and spring for people who only need one unit of CPE.

I helped my spouse with some renovation chores to get the house ready for the drywall team that will be here March 4.  Soon it felt like the whole day had zoomed by, and it had.

Speaking of zooming, soon it will be time for my Zoom calls, so let me get some breakfast! 

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