Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Midway Through Spring Break

While my spouse stays home to supervise the installation of drywall, I am traveling this week, with a brief stop back home tonight.  What have I done so far?

--Visited grad school friends--always a treat.

--Got a rough draft of my Systematic Theology midterm written.  That's a relief.

--Gotten some grading done; no matter the time of year, having grading to do seems constant, unless it's the weeks between December 17 and January 5.

--Gone on a driving tour of favorite places, which includes the campus of LTSS, or as I've more commonly referred to it, Southern Seminary.  On a Monday evening in March, the campus was dark and deserted, which probably means it is a campus on Spring Break, as all the schools I attend are on Spring Break, a strange aligning this year.

--Helped a friend envision a kitchen remodel, which involved driving to Lowe's, which meant we drove past the former Columbia Mall, a place so deserted I didn't even recognize it--and yes, I do see the metaphors.

--Sat by a friend's firepit as the late afternoon light shifted to overcast twilight and her fairy lights twinkled.  Earlier we scavenged wood under the boughs of her grapevines, and we talked about how much we would have loved such an enchanted place when we were children.  Turns out, we love such an enchanted place as grown women too!

--Watched coverage of Super Tuesday elections and remembered Super Tuesdays of past years.

--Read Super Tuesday coverage of ordinary people voting in extraordinary times and felt hope.  This Opinion piece in The Washington Post is my favorite so far.

--Sorted seeds with my friend who has space and sunshine enough to plant them and felt hope.

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