Monday, March 11, 2024

Off Schedule

Between travel and the time change, I am off schedule today, and this is a week where my schedule will be disrupted in different ways.  Let me collect some reflections before turning my attention to seminary work.

--I have several interviews this week, which led me to wonder if women are still expected to wear hose to interviews.  I will be wearing a well-below-the-knees skirt; I am not a sensible pantsuit woman.  I did check to make sure that my dressiest flats were not eaten away by mold from living unworn in my Florida closet for so long.  Later today I'll put on the knee high hose I bought today and make sure they still fit.  I have had a variety of foot complications since I first bought them, complications like arthritis and hammer toe.

--I have a variety of midterm projects due for my seminary classes, and happily, they are almost done.  While travelling last week, I made good use of early morning time when I was awake, and everyone else was sleeping.

--Even though it was windier than I like, I really enjoyed driving through the mountains on my way home yesterday.  The higher elevations in North Carolina have snow (fresh?  remaining?  I don't know).

--I made this Facebook post yesterday:  "I thought I was making great time on my Southern Appalachian driving tour. Was it because I was fueled by the music of my misspent youth and a 3 lb bag of baby carrots? No, I just forgot to change the car clock."

--It's chilly today, with a vicious wind, ahead of pleasant looking temperatures for the rest of the week.  So we're letting the oven self-clean.  When we lived in Florida, I trained myself to only let the oven self-clean during cold snaps because it heated up the house too much.

--My oven in South Florida was rarely spotless--not enough cold snaps.

--As with many years, I did not watch any of the movies up for an Oscar.  Maybe I'll get around to that in the coming months.

--I had planned to get back to a walking schedule today, but this wind cuts right through me.  Maybe I'll wait until tomorrow.  Or I could go up to the fitness center and do a bit of weight work.  

--But first, let me get back to my Systematic Theology midterm.  I had one of those nights where I woke up thinking, this approach is how to finish the paper.  Let me write it, before I forget.

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