Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Quilt Camp Begins

 Yesterday, I wrote this Facebook post in the morning before heading to work:

"In olden days, I'd have already been on the road for several hours, driving to get to Quilt Camp at Lutheridge. What a blessing that I can drive an hour down the mountain to teach at Spartanburg Methodist College and still be back in time for Quilt Camp--2 hours in the car instead of 12. On Thursday, my students will have time to write while I am at Quilt Camp, transforming scraps and cast offs into works of art--or something cheerful to help us keep warm. I'll be posting pictures all week--stay tuned!"

Then there was a traffic snarl on the Interstate, which I realized before I got trapped waiting to get on the Interstate, so I turned around and took the long way to an exit further down the road where the traffic wasn't snarled.  It still left me a bit anxious, even though I always give myself plenty of time, just in case there is a traffic snarl.

I taught all day, and my last two classes wasn't the fun kind of teaching--it was formatting the Works Cited page, where I sometimes wonder why we're wasting time on this at all.  And yes, I know why, but it's hard to imagine that in the coming climate crisis combined with political dysfunction, that my students will need to know how to format a Works Cited page.

So, what should I be teaching them?  How to preserve food?  More likely, how to rebuild electrical grids--but of course, I don't know how to rebuild electrical grids.

Finally, my teaching day was over, and I had a much easier drive home.  I stopped by the Faith Center to claim a work station and carried some stuff in.  I went home, changed clothes, and came back.  I opened my laptop and made sure that I had checked in on my online students.  I sat for a bit, just staring at fabric.  Finally, I thought, let me make some progress.  Let me sort fabric and remember what I have.  Finally, I was able to post this picture:

My goal is to finish all the log cabin squares--and to stop making more!

I was surprised by how long it took me to shift gears yesterday.  I didn't get much sewing done.  I felt the same kind of bone weariness as if I had just driven 12 hours.  It was a tiring day, although in a different way.  Adrenaline can only take me so far.

Happily, Quilt Camp lasts until Saturday, so I have plenty of time to sew, to catch up with friends, to catch up on some seminary work and grading, and to sew some more.

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