Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Last Thoughts on Holy Trinity Sunday 2024

Before we get too far away from Holy Trinity Sunday, I wanted to capture a few thoughts.  

--I wrote a blog post about various metaphors, but that was not the only high point of the day.  The experience with dry ice that happened during the transition from Sunday School to church, however, was probably the most memorable.

--We had sparser attendance, which is probably normal for a Sunday on a 3 day week-end.  But we had two new children who were visiting their relatives, who are church members.  One was the little boy that I baptized last year.  What a treat!

--When the family came up for communion, I asked the mom if the boys could have communion.  She said they could have the bread.  When I held the bread out to the older brother of the boy I baptized, he was so excited that he ate the bread right out of my hand, putting his mouth around most of my fingers.  

--Feeding bread to a small child (I'm guessing he's 3 or 4 years old) felt like an exquisite metaphor for Holy Trinity Sunday too.

--On the Saturday before Holy Trinity Sunday, I went to go fill up the car with gas.  I noticed that someone had taken out a marker and written this beside the dollar amount on the pump: "You are so worth it." At first I thought, I am worth so much more than a tank of gas. And then I continued thinking about worth and messages of support and how we are all so much more important than most of us realize.

--That, too, is a good message for Holy Trinity or for any Sunday--or any day of the week.

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