Monday, July 22, 2024

Disciplines: Hoping, Walking, Writing

If you came here hoping for a meditation on Mary Magdalene on her feast day, this post on my theology blog is for you.

If you came hoping I could make sense of the political situation for you, there are plenty of other professional types who are making that attempt.  

I am sure that future me will look back and wonder why I didn't write more about the fast changing political situation.  I will say that I was both shocked/surprised and not shocked/surprised.  I felt this strange wave of sadness, perhaps because there's something about Biden that reminds me of my dad; they're both older, slim men, both slowing down, both having given a lifetime of service to country and community.

I do think that if Biden had continued to run, he would have lost.  I know that the future is uncertain, but Democrats have a better chance of winning now.  I like all of the Democratic options for President and VP, but I know that over half of the nation won't share my feelings.  What I don't know is who will show up to vote and what they will be valuing in the Fall.

When we returned from church and the two hour drive across the mountains, I had thought I might not go for my daily walk.  But then the announcement came about Biden dropping out of the race, and I wanted to visit the sacred places at camp.  Off I went to the chapel and the lake, and I returned feeling better.

Yesterday afternoon, I thought, well, here's my next poem:  Cassandra Stops Predicting Politics.  I'm not sure where the poem would go, but I wanted to record the inspiration here.  If I write these ideas down, I'm more likely to return to them.

Rabbi Rachel Barenblat posted this picture, an important reminder:

It so inspired me that I went to the website to order some reminders of my own and to support a social justice group.

Let me shift gears.  I need to get back to my practice of a daily walk, and I'm much more likely to get that done if I go out first thing in the morning (and by first thing, I really mean between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.).  Let me go again to the sacred places at camp.  Let me enjoy the decorations along the way; it is Christmas in July week here at Lutheridge.  Let me pray and let me hope.


  1. I needed this this morning. Thank you.

  2. Thank you for not writing more about the political situation. What a breath of fresh air. The kind you get from an early morning walk.

  3. Thank you both for reading and for commenting!
