Saturday, November 14, 2015

Hope in a Time of Terrorism

After events like those in Paris yesterday, we may wonder how any rays of hope can break through our dark clouds of despair.

How many more candlelight vigils do we need to hold?

How can we beat back the darkness?

Hopefully, we will find ways to prop up our flagging faith in humanity.  We may find support in the most unlikely places.  Let us accept that help.

We should remember that from broken items can come great beauty.  For more on the making of the cross in the image below, see this blog post.

Patches of ragged cloth can be made into a creation of comfort.

And while we wait, we can offer our prayers, our hopes, our wishes, and let them rise to the larger world.

The woman in the picture above is kneeling on a Turkish prayer rug, probably Muslim, in the chapel at Lutheridge, a Christian camp.  I like the ecumenism of the picture, but I did have some qualms.  For more on this image and this rug, see this blog post.

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