Friday, November 13, 2015

Splash! An Oceanic Fashion Show and Exhibit

Last night I went to the fashion show that my school helped mount.  It was held at an interesting arts space:  part gallery, part high end retail space, part warehouse, part museum.  Once, the space was a musty smelling natural history museum.  Hurricane Wilma brought that era to a close.  I was interested to see how the space had been transformed.

The musty smell was gone, but the concrete floors where countless generations of children had sleepovers with the relics still remained.  The space was still darker than I like, but it worked for the purposes of a gallery and a fashion show.

We spent the first hour wandering the galleries and looking at the displays.  All of them had an ocean kind of theme:

Even the laser light show had a wavy effect as part of its display:

I was most entranced by the largest private collection of Chihuly glass. 

I wish I had taken more pictures of that exhibit.

I had already seen some of the fashion exhibits at school.  I've spent weeks being impressed with what a fashion designer can do with muslin, burlap, and some shells.

Of course, the garments for the runway show were made of more high end materials.  But I liked the muslin and burlap better.

I have the kind of mind that is always making lists of pros and cons, should I stay or should I go?  Last night's event reminded me of one of the many reasons why I like my current workplace.

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