Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A Windowsill Altar for the Whole Year?

Each morning, I've been "lighting" the candles on my Advent wreath creation on my windowsill.  Here's my view from my writing desk this morning:

I've been surprised by how this ritual has come to drench my morning with meaning.  The lanterns to the right are ones I bought at Thanksgiving.  They remind me of that special week; my mom and sister have similar lanterns. 

The creation on the left is my Advent wreath.  I've been thinking of a way to keep this creation going throughout 2019.

I've thought about buying 52 of the little candles, one for each week.  But I do wonder if my window sill would feel cluttered as we got to September 2019 and beyond.

I thought about writing on the candles as we went along.  I love the idea of writing down my goals on the candles.  I even more love the idea of writing down the goals that I achieved, the successes, and the attempts, which are also successes.  I want to believe that being reminded would center me as I lit the candles.

But there's not much space to write on those candles.  Maybe I should have a separate book.  I thought about slips of paper that I could keep in the bowl, but I'd want to keep them, and I'd glue them in a book.

I bought some sketchbooks online that ended up being smaller than what I thought I was ordering.  Perhaps I could use those through the year as a journaling exercise where I sketch my hopes and dreams.  I'm thinking primarily of my creative life, but perhaps I'm thinking too small.    Perhaps it should be all my yearnings.

I feel like those yearnings don't change much as we move through the days and months and years.  Would I feel frustration in writing those down?

Perhaps we shall see.

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