Monday, December 17, 2018

New Nativity Scenes

We had a great interactive arts service yesterday.  We created nativity scenes after I read the Christmas passage from Luke.

I had set out a variety of supplies from the arts and crafts closet, along with magazines, and construction paper.  I invited people to use what was there or to go outside to see what they could find.  We ended up doing a variety of approaches.

One family worked together.  The mother and daughter went outside to find materials while the older son looked through magazines.  They ended up with an interesting creche:

I love the baby Jesus stuck on a flower pod for a manger.

I put together scenes from a magazine.

The angels are photos of dancers that I got from a photography magazine.

I put the clip of Mary and Jesus at the right side of the page over a photo of a hurricane Maria-wrecked landscape in Puerto Rico.

Another worshiping artist put together this collage:

I found it interesting, the ways we used modern images to revisit the story.  I want to believe that it helped us engage with a very familiar story in new ways.

And people who came into the fellowship hall later exclaimed their pleasure at the creations.

I think this idea could be useful not just in Christian ed--it makes me think about my secular classrooms in new ways.  Hmmmm.

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