Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A Week from Today: Travel to Spiritual Direction Certificate Program Onground Intensive

By this time next week, I will be on the road to my first onground intensive in my certificate program in Spiritual Direction.  The intensive lasts from 2 p.m. Wednesday to 11:45 a.m. on Saturday.  The relatively short time of the onground requirement was one of the attractions of this program.

That said, I'm still finding myself fretful about being out of the office.  It's the end of the first week of classes, and while my active presence isn't usually necessary or needed, it's one of the times when I'm more likely to be needed.  I didn't choose programs that meet in early January for that reason.  When I chose this program, I thought we'd be starting winter term on the first Monday after New Year's Day, as we always have.  A Wednesday winter quarter start threw a slight wrench into my plan, but I held firm on my wanting to get to town the day before the intensive begins.

I also know that there's almost no time in the year when I won't feel fretful; the week of Christmas to New Year's is the only time I can be fairly sure my absence won't impact those left behind.  We have such a small team that when one of us is out of the office, chances are good that others will notice.

I'm trying to see my full-time job as a fairly self-sufficient child.  I can't be gone for weeks at a time, but I'm leaving my child in good hands with all the care needed.  Like modern parents, it's good to have a life apart from the children.

A few days ago I talked to one of my fellow Mepkin Abbey online contemplative partners, and she mentioned that she had done the program at St. Thomas, a local Catholic university.  My first thought was one of dismay--could I have done this program locally?

I went to research it, and I realized that years ago (like 15 years ago), I had stumbled across it and decided it wasn't for me.  It seems to revolve around the Ignatian exercises.  This morning, I looked at the schedule for next week and felt a rising excitement at the thought of what we'll be doing.

As I've been thinking about this upcoming time, I realize that I've been holding my breath in a way, unable to believe that I will actually be allowed to do this.  I've been researching programs for so many years and waiting so long for the perfect time.  This time may not be perfect, but I need to make the leap.

For those of you wondering what my onground intensive will look like, here's the schedule:

Schedule, January 2020

Theme:  The Spiritual Disciplines

Theme verse:  “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in                             you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”  (Philippians 2.12-13)

Key reading:    Celebration of Discipline. Richard Foster

Praxis Point:    Solitude

Special Worship Foci: Celtic Worship and Native American Worship

Wednesday, January 15
12:00 – 2:00              arrive and check in – Voigt hallway
  2:00 – 2:30              welcome and introductions – Voigt 2
  2:30 – 3:30              small group 1 (introductions/reconnecting) –
Group 3A (Harvey’s group) – Alumni Hall
Group 3B (Kathie’s group – 2nd floor Price House
Group 4A (Shirley’s group) – 2nd floor Price House
Group 4B (Sam’s group) – 2nd floor Price House
  3:45 – 5:00              instruction session 1 for 2019-2020 Cycle 3:
   “The Ethics and Logistics of Spiritual Direction,”
Pastor Gary Dreier, Dr. Harvey Huntley, Pastor Kathie Nycklemoe, Sam Rahberg, Pastor Shirley Wells,  – Voigt 3
                                                                                    instruction session 1 for 2020-2021 Cycle 4:
                                                                                    “What is Spiritual Direction”? 
Dr. Amy Montanez – Voigt 2

  5:15 – 6:30              dinner and welcome reception – Alumni Hall
  6:30 – 7:30              small group 2
  7:45 – 8:30              evening Eucharist – Christ Chapel
  8:30 –                                  free time

Thursday, January 16

  7:30 –   7:45            sunrise morning worship
  8:00 –   8:30           breakfast – Student Union
  8:45 – 10:00           instruction session 2: “Mysticism,”
Rev. Dr. Melanie Dobson– Voigt 2
10:15 – 11:15            small group 3
11:30 – 12:15            lunch – Student Union
  1:00 –   2:15            instruction session 3: “Iconography”  
Dr. Harvey Huntley – Voigt 2
  2:30 –   3:15            praxis: Solitude,
Rev. Dr. David Hill – beginning introduction in Alumni Hall
  3:15 – 5:30              Solitude
  5:30 –   6:10            dinner – Student Union
  6:15 –   7:15           small group 4
  7:20 –   8:00           evening worship in the Native American tradition – Alumni Hall
  8:00 –                                   Solitude

Friday, January 17

  7:30 –   7:45            morning worship
  8:00 –   8:30            breakfast – Student Union
  8:45 – 10:00            Instruction session 4: “Thomas Merton,”
 Rev. Dr. Mark Bredholt – Voigt 2
10:15 – 11:15            small group 5
11:30 – 12:15           lunch – Student Union
12:15 –   2:45           Solitude
  2:45 –   3:45            small group 6
  4:00 –   5:15           Instruction session 5: “Celtic Traditions”
Rev. Dr. Susan Prinz – Voigt 2
  5:30 –   6:15           dinner – Student Union
  6:15 –   7:15            small group 7
  7:30 –   8:00            Celtic Worship – Alumni Hall
  8:00 --                                  free time

Saturday, January 18

  8:00 –   8:30            breakfast – Student Union
  8:45 –   9:45            small group 8
10:00 – 10:30           feedback – Voigt 2
10:45 – 11:45            closing Eucharist – Christ Chapel

11:45 –                                   departure

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