Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Assorted Facebook Posts from December Worth Saving

Before we get too far away from December, let me go back through my Facebook feed and preserve posts worth saving, while I can still find them.

Why are they worth saving?  They make me smile.  They help me remember a specific time.  They may contain seeds which could be developed into interesting larger ideas.

Dec. 21, 2019

I am watching a Nigella Lawson Christmas special, and I'm struck by how many PBS cooking shows end with a group of disparate people around the table, eating what the cook has been preparing. If anyone ever needs an eclectic looking woman at the outer edge of midlife for one of these shows, I'm available! I promise never to upstage the chef! I am gifted at the art of feeling ecstatic as I toast the cook or eat the first bite of something delicious.

Dec. 18, 2019

I would like a grant to study the effects of having a working kitchen (with baked goods regularly emerging from said kitchen) on college student retention. The grant would cover both the cost of installing a working kitchen on my campus and the cost of baking supplies and ingredients. An administrator can dream of such things in this holiday season . . .

Dec. 17, 2019

From a distance, this patch looks like a strange corner of grass outside the parking garage.

Look more closely, and you will see the leaves of pumpkin plants. How did they get there? From the rotting pumpkins that I tossed over the wall of the second floor of the parking garage. Just call me Kristin Pumpkinseed!

earlier on Dec. 17, 2019:

If you had the power to prevent sad partings/departures, would you want that power? Would you see it as a terrifying responsibility or would you prevent all sad separations? No, not a philosophical conversation over the dinner table, but a philosophical prompt based by the departure of a colleague who is moving away to be closer to family.

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