Sunday, August 16, 2020

August Blues

 I didn't have a chance to blog yesterday.  I wanted to get to the Walmart Neighborhood Market early, and then after I did that, I realized I could fairly easily take the car to the shop--if my morning was already shot, might as well get an additional chore taken care of.

Unfortunately, they couldn't change the headlight or the taillight.  The Prius is designed to thwart the do-it-yourselfer, and I'm beginning to think it's also designed to thwart the neighborhood mechanic.  Sigh.

It's no wonder that I would create this sketch:

I find it charming, even as I see the problems with perspective and realism. 

Let me remind myself that I did get some prayers and benedictions written for next week's worship service that will revolve around the start of school.  I'll post those on my theology blog tomorrow.

I also tried to write a poem, but it didn't really come together.  As I was looking for information on Jericho Brown, I came across this interview with him, and his process for some of the poems in The Tradition seemed worth trying:  "I quite literally took every line that I had ever written in a poem that didn’t work, or every line that wasn’t yet in a poem that was 9-11 syllables long, and I put them all in a file. I printed them out. I cut them up. And I started working with them as little slips of paper."

Today the pre-recorded worship service with my sermon gets broadcast at 10:00 a.m.  I'll post a link to the whole recording later.  My video sermon is too long to embed here. Here's the beginning segment:

To see the whole sermon, go here.  If you want to see more (sermons, book trailers, an introduction to my students), go to my YouTube channel.  

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