Monday, August 17, 2020


It's been a strange week-end--not exactly restful, although it was good to get chores done and food made for the coming week's lunches.

Plus, I slept a bit later than I have been (all the way to 5 a.m.!), after spending part of the night waking up to wonder if I had lost my sense of smell.  After reading this article that says that 87% of patients with COVID-19 lose their sense of smell, I spend time each day making sure I can still smell things.

I had to leave the house earlier than usual to open up the building so that the Vet Tech faculty had the extra time they needed to set up for labs--that's why I'm writing a blog post later than usual and why it will be a shorter post than sometimes.

I wanted to record one high note from the week-end.  After we watched the church service recording in the morning, my spouse spent some time looking at old services.  We watched the one for Father's Day where I preached.  I have no memory of what I preached or how I approached the process leading up to my sermon.  I found it compelling to watch--as if June Kristin had preached a message of hope in an arid time that August Kristin would need to hear.  You can go here to watch and listen.

This morning, I ran 3 miles.  I use the term ran loosely--it was more like a slow jog for most people.  I also use the term 3 miles loosely--my FitBit told me it was 3 miles, and I probably won't go out and track my route in the car the way I once would have.  

I feel like I am reclaiming important parts of myself:  Kristin the runner, Kristin the bread baker.  I hope Kristin the Poet is next in line.

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