Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Hearing a Call in Haiku

Yesterday as I was working, I got several messages from people asking about seminary and me.  Yes, on the same day.  I realize it's just a coincidence, but it's one of the kinds of coincidences that make me say hmm.  I revisited the various websites of seminaries and programs.  The one that looks most interesting to me is a program focused on theology and creativity at a UCC seminary--but that program doesn't lead to ordination.

Many Lutheran seminaries now offer scholarship programs so that seminarians can graduate with no debt, which is great.  Of course, there would still be bills that need to be paid.

I'm writing to colleagues from the community college in Charleston where we were all faculty members together in the 90's--we're exchanging haikus on a daily basis.  What fun!  Yesterday I wrote this haiku:

Seminary thoughts:
daydream or question or call?
Am I too far gone?

My friend wrote me 2 in response. I loved them so much that I want to record them here:

For daydreams you plan.
Questions and calls you answer.
It’s never too late.

It's a risk we take.
Cool headed logic versus
The pursuit of dreams.

And a different friend wrote this one:

the call and the discernment.
You will find your way.

I feel so lucky to have friends who have these kinds of supportive responses--and in haiku, no less!

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