Thursday, January 28, 2021

Historic Wednesdays and the Norm

Even though I took Monday off, this week has felt endless, and I'm not sure why.  Nonetheless, I was relieved to get through a Wednesday in 2021 with nothing historic happened (nothing historic happened, right?).  Think about it:  Jan. 6 was the assault on the Capitol, Jan. 13 was the impeachment decision against Trump (second impeachment--first time a U.S. president has been impeached twice), and Jan. 20 was the Inauguration.

If we feel like we've been living through historic times, we have.  And in January, it's felt both speeded up and endless.  And I feel fretful that the pandemic may yet take a turn for the worse that will leave us thinking back wistfully to the times when we only worried about getting vaccines into arms and speeding up the production of N95 masks (yes, still a year later, and we're still not producing the simple stuff we need).

It's also a strange time for me on a personal level.  I'm at a campus, and we know that the campus will be closing within a year.  We're down to a skeleton crew at the campus, and there's at least several moments each day where I reflect on how well we're working as a team and how much I'll miss these people.

On Tuesday, I made this Facebook post:  

"In the office beside me, one of my Vet Tech colleagues is listening to the soundtrack to "Hamilton" while doing class prep, and I am overcome with love for humanity, a hunger for history, and a longing for live theatre."


And last week, I made this Facebook post:  

This morning, we talked about the beautiful coats and clothes worn by various women during yesterday's Inaugural coverage. I looked at my Thursday outfit: black velveteen skirt, pumpkin colored shirt, with olive larger shirt for a finishing garment. I said, "My fashion statement for today seems to be Mossy Autumnal Forest."

I am surprisingly comfortable with that as both fashion statement and mission statement.


In fact, I liked that outfit so much that I think I'll wear it again today!

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