Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Hello Anxiety, My Constant and Different Friend

Today is my first day of my second semester of seminary classes.  Last week, when I was cleaning out a pile of papers at my desk at school, I found a note that I had written in August, a note on a to do list that said, "Please let me be able to do all of this, plus seminary classes."  Happily, I was able to do it all. 

I feel similar anxieties today.  And yet, they are also different.  Since time is short, let me write about my anxieties, in the hopes of banishing them.  Tomorrow, I will write a more upbeat post about what I'm studying.

Back in August, I was still expecting to be losing my job at some point, although there was talk of keeping the Hollywood campus open.  I didn't feel particularly anxious about my ability to do my job, or about my job interfering with seminary.

Today, my campus is under construction, which produces its own anxieties.  At some point, my job duties expand, and I can't decide whether or not they will require significantly more time.  There will be more people on campus, another feature which makes my anxieties bloom.

Back in August, I had some fear of not being able to do the work.  Now, having done the work for one term, I don't feel those same anxieties.  But I am taking one additional class, so there will be more to do.

Back in August, I worried about the pandemic and all the ways it might interfere.  Then and now, I'm taking classes remotely, so there's some safety.  But if I get a case that lingers, I do worry about what that will do to my progress.

Back in August, we hadn't yet put the house on the market, although we had hoped to put it on the market in early August.  We spend all of fall semester hoping that we were close to selling it.  Today, we still have that hope.  We signed our share of the paperwork yesterday, and hopefully we will finish this process in the next few days.

Well, let me start the work of the term.  Let me write go write my self-introduction for my seminary class Discussion Board threads--the term begins!

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