Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thursday Snippets

Today, let me try to capture some of this week in some snippets and snapshots.  Let me see if a coherent theme emerges.

--Last night I had my first seminary class, which was the second half of a fall term class.  It was so good to see everyone again.  For those of us who wonder if community can be created in an online class, I am here to say that yes, we can create community.  And yes, it is likely different from a face to face community, but it's not insignificent.

--The construction noise at work can lead to really frayed nerves.  Yesterday I thought I might have to go work at home, and then I remembered that I had a late afternoon in-person meeting, so I couldn't.  Happily, the noise stopped.  But only half the floor tiles have been removed, and so I suspect the noise will continue.

--I heard some of Biden's press conference on my way home from work, and his stamina impressed me.  Just listening to it exhausted me, and I'm decades younger than he is.

--He talked about a minor invasion of Ukraine triggering different consequences than a major invasion, which has led me to think about a poem.  So far, I've only come up with anasthesia-free surgery and noncustodial kidnapping as word pairs to make a poem.  But it intrigues me.

--I solved yesterday's Wordle in 2 guesses, 2 words that were completely unrelated and random as my guesses.  I shouldn't feel so proud about that "accomplishment."

--My knees are sore and achy.  My week of crawling on floors is catching up with me.  Why did I crawl on the floor?  Why this prostrating?  I had computer cords to sort out when my keyboard just stopped working.  And then, a colleague needed speakers, which I scavenged from a different office.  And a pendant came off its chain and bounced under the bed.

--I feel like I should start carrying my seminary books with me everywhere I go, in the hopes of having a spare minute to read.  But which ones?  Sigh.

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