Saturday, May 7, 2022

Broken Wrist Dispatches

Still healing nicely. Still not used to using the voice recognition software to make a blog post but I'll get better at that in the weeks to come when my routine normalizes. Here are two dispatches from the past days:

--Thursday post-surgery wrist update: all is still well. No real pain. I am feeling incredibly lucky

--Last night I dreamed I was making a to-do list--I put calling a realtor on that to-do List about getting our last two houses sold. Yes in my dreams I still owned the last two properties, which I thought were on their way to being sold, but I realized we had never actually closed on the deals. What a treat--a grown up anxiety dream--better or worse than dreaming I've been enrolled in a class and forgotten to go to it and now I have to take a final exam?

--A week ago, I was finishing my Theology and the Arts paper and putting the finishing touches on my duplexes* that I wrote for the project. Maybe tomorrow I'll fashion a blog post out of those.


* Because our work in the class kept circling back to Jericho Brown’s poetry and this particular form/format, I proposed writing some duplexes of my own. I learned a lot, both about the duplex and about my abandoned lines. More tomorrow.

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