Thursday, May 5, 2022

Surgery Updates

Long story short, surgery went well--below are some Facebook posts from the past few days. I plan to write a more cohesive blog post soon.

Just after surgery:  "Surgery took longer than expected, but was “a fabulous success.” Home now, resting. Thanks for all the love and support."

Morning after surgery: "Feeling pretty good this morning. Some pain but not too intense. Last round of narcotics was at 2:00 AM, and I'm still feeling pretty good. Fingers crossed that my luck continues."


"I continue to do pretty well in this recovery from surgery. Still no real pain, and the main discomfort is from some swelling and from having a bandaged wrist, a bulkier bandage/supportive structure than before. At least my elbow is free, so I can move my arm.

I know that the real work is ahead of me with physical therapy to regain full function, and I'm prepared for that. I'm underemployed--I have plenty of time. Again thank you for all your love and support--it really does mean a lot."

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