Monday, November 28, 2022

Headed Back to Seminary

Soon I will take the last loads of stuff to the car, the stuff from the fridge and freezer.  Soon I will drive back along the mountains, back to DC, to my seminary apartment.  Soon I will enter the rush of the last 3 weeks of seminary, projects in process coming to completion.

I will try not to think of how I wish it was a different time I was driving back to seminary:  2 weeks ago, with Thanksgiving still to come, or just after fall reading week with beautiful leaves all around.  I am looking forward to what I'll learn in these last 3 weeks, and the tasks are doable.  But this term has been so full of riches, and I don't want it to end.  

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, and now it is over.  Sigh.

And yes, I go through this every year, no matter what I am facing the Monday after Thanksgiving.  I am grateful that I am not returning to the work of hurricane recovery, as we did in 2017 and 2018.  I am grateful I am not returning to accreditation work, as I did in 2016.  I am thinking of 2019, when the world was about to fall out from under us, but we didn't know it yet--I hope we're not at a similar hinge this year.

I am grateful for the goodness that life holds now.  Let me remember that gratitude as I go forward.

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