Sunday, November 27, 2022

Thanksgiving Wrap Up

Yesterday, we loaded up the car, as we almost always do on the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  But this year, instead of driving 12 hours back to Florida, we drove an eighth of a mile back to our Lutheridge house.  We unloaded the car, and today, we need to make some decisions about all the leftovers that came home with us.

After lunch, I went to do some shopping--both of our households needed restocking.  And then we relaxed.  I confess that I did go to bed extra early, like 7 p.m. early.

Today is my last full day here at the house in the mountains of North Carolina.  Tomorrow I drive back to seminary, and get settled in for the last 3 weeks of seminary.  Last night I dreamed that it was my turn to deliver my sermon in my Foundations of Preaching class, and I didn't have it with me--hello anxiety dream 101.

Let me collect a few more recollections, while I still remember them.

--Today will be my 3rd Sunday in a row at my North Carolina church in person.  What a joy that has been.  Will it be strange to go back to streaming services?

--I sang with the church group that sings at the early service, with very little rehearsal time.  The choir director church musician chooses pieces that we can sing as a group--no pesky parts.  Last week was such a great experience that I'm going again today.

--I have spent much of the last half week sewing scraps together.  My final project for class evolved into something different than what I thought it would be.  I wasn't sure I would have the time to do what I did.  Hurrah!  I'll write more about that in the weeks to come.

--I didn't get much done on my big quilt project.  The lighting was just too bad.  But it was good to make so much progress on my scrappy project:

--On Monday, we went on a quest for a piece of wood for our hearth.  We had planned to buy a much bigger plank than we bought.  My spouse thinks it will look more like shelves than a hearth.  I am OK with that.

--We have had great conversation.  But it always leaves me wanting more.  Let me be grateful for the time that we did have.  

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