Thursday, January 12, 2023

Exhibition Participation

Yesterday was a much better day than Tuesday.  I went on 2 walks, and I didn't feel as tired as I did earlier in the week.  I did some sewing that made me happy.  My spouse and I had good conversations on our video chats.  I had an evening Zoom session where I reconnected with friends from the Create in Me retreat.

One of yesterday's highlights was seeing a Facebook post from the Luce Center for Arts and Religion.  The exhibition which includes one of my pieces is up and open to the public!  Here's my work in context with nearby pieces:

And here's my work up close:

I will confess that it was not a juried show.  One of my instructors is also responsible for these exhibitions in the gallery space, and she asked our class to submit pieces.  I thought about creating something new, but it was the end of the term, and I didn't really have time or resources.

I submitted this piece because I have it here with me, and it's one of my favorites. I haven't seen the whole show yet, but I am betting that there will be fewer fiber artists, so I also liked the idea of having this kind of work as part of the exhibition.

If I hadn't been living on campus, I wouldn't have taken the in-person class that gave me this opportunity.  I'm grateful for this time here, even as I'm unsure what the future of on-campus housing holds for me.

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