Friday, January 13, 2023

Scrapping Plans

I had thought I might go downtown, maybe go to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and/or the MLK memorial.  But it looks like it's going to be a blustery day, and right now it's raining--in short, I'm reconsidering.  I know that I will have even more competing for my attention when classes start, but right now, I am so enjoying my quilting project that it's tough to tear myself away.  Part of me, the largest part of me, wants to make progress while I have the motivation.

I find it fascinating how the fabric changes, if I'm using a smaller piece of it.  For example, here's a larger piece:

And how it appears as part of a larger whole:

I'm intrigued by how the pieces speak to each other.  I'm hoping that I'm using enough fabric that each 12 inch square will be different.

As you might have guessed, I've stopped using only scraps, and I've started cutting the pieces that I need out of larger pieces of fabric I have.  Of course, in the process of doing that, I often generate new scraps.  I have a lot, after the gift of a quilting friend 9 months ago, when she saw the color palette of the quilt top I made earlier this year:  

Yesterday as I quilted, I watched two movies, each one about a nineteenth century woman writer.  Mary Shelley was compelling; I wrote this Facebook post:  

"The weather has turned gloomy, so one needs an appropriately gloomy movie to keep one company while one stitches. I've chosen the 2017 movie "Mary Shelley," which takes some liberties with the biography. I love its depiction of writing and creativity, and the costumes and sets warm my Brit Lit heart. But the movie does make me feel ancient. I see Mary and Claire Clairmont making a terrible mistake in running away with this cad Percy Shelley who has already ruined one woman's life (his wife Harriet), and I want to talk some sense into them, even as I know that talking sense into these besotted girls is impossible. Sigh.

Enter Lord Byron--oh dear, oh dear, oh dear."

I also watched A Quiet Passion, about Emily Dickinson.  While I appreciate aspects of it, parts of it were slow, slow, slow.  While I can appreciate what Cynthia Dixon went through to inhabit the role, did we really need to see the extended scene of her shaking because of her kidney disease?  And there wasn't just one scene of her shaking either.  I also got weary at the end of the movie substituting voice overs of poems instead of dialogue--that part seemed to go on for hours.

I think my spouse liked the movie more than I did.  My spouse and I watched it together, even though he's in North Carolina, and I'm here in my seminary apartment.  We did the Amazon watch party option, and it went surprisingly well.

It was such a delightful afternoon that I'm tempted to stay put and do it all again.  Let me stay open to possibilities.

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