Sunday, March 19, 2023

Sunday Snippets

I am not sure I have enough for a coherent, multi-paragraph blog post this morning, so let me collect some snippets.

--Three years ago, I went to the public library, which turned out to be the last day citizens were allowed in the physical building for months and months.  Covid shutdowns were barreling towards us, and I knew I didn't have much longer to get some books and DVDs.  Why do I remember the date?  It's my mother's birthday, and I was waiting in line with my arms full of books, thinking about how she would check out armloads of books for me when we would go to the library, when I had checked out the limit on my child's library card.

--I spent yesterday afternoon with my spouse, in a virtual way.  We watched The Chosen on our individual computers, by way of Amazon's Watch Party feature.  I am so impressed with this series.  I am rarely impressed with anything, much less an adaptation of a book that has significance.

--I am also in the process of watching the film Mary Magdalene, and there was a moment or two yesterday afternoon when I couldn't remember which plotline went with which movie.  It's strange, in a way--shouldn't the plotlines be the same?  Yes and no.

--It has been a hard week for exercise for me with lots of windy days.  I thought I would have problems with cold weather and exercise, but it's actually wind and cold that hinders me.

--Because of the wind that is forecast for today, I decided to wait to go to see the Tidal Basin cherry blossoms until tomorrow.  Tomorrow was my original plan, after I decided not to go on Friday.  But when I heard about tonight's projected low temps, I wondered if I should try to go today.  I decided that I would enjoy it more tomorrow, so I'll wait and hope that the temperatures don't dip low enough for long enough to harm the cherry blossoms.  It's an outing that will involve lots of walking, so tomorrow will be better.

--So, if I'm going to be downtown tomorrow for a chunk of the day, let me turn my attention to what needs to be done today.  Seminary writing of course--but there is also time for bread baking.  I'll finish watching Mary Magdalene and do some sewing.  And maybe, if the wind dies down a bit, I'll go for a walk.

1 comment:

  1. My husband and I really liked that film a lot! Mary Magdalene, with Rooney Mara. Felt like it was happening the way it really happened.
