Saturday, March 18, 2023

Writing Process with Quilt Squares

Yesterday I planned to go downtown to the Tidal Basin to see the early blooming cherry blossoms.  But the weather had turned, with rain expected.  So I changed my mind, and I'm still changing it.  I thought I would go down, wander the Tidal Basin, and then go to a museum.  Later in the day I thought about trying to get down there for sunrise--but the museums don't open until 10.  Hmm.  I'm also a bit worried about the overnight temperatures, which could damage the blooms that are only just now reaching peak bloom.  Should I go tomorrow?  I'm not going today, because I have too many seminary projects due today, including an extra credit midterm for Church History II.  Let me keep thinking.

I had a lot of writing to do, but from now until early May, I will always have a lot of writing to do.  I am enjoying my writing process.  I move between assignments, so when I get stuck on one, I have something else to do.  I've always been that way.  This term, I also take a walk when I need to clear my head, and I don't require that it be a long walk.

And this term, I'm also working on a variety of quilt squares.  So I take stitching breaks too.  Here's a view from my desk:

I also worked on a different project that took less time.  At some point last semester, the seminary installed lights that lit up the parking lot at night.  Unfortunately, they also flood my windows with light.  When I was back in North Carolina, I slept so much better in a darker room.  So I had been wondering how I could replicate that in my seminary apartment.  I don't want to spend the money on new drapes for a place I'm leaving in 2 months.  Yesterday, I tried attaching pieces of fleece to the drapes with clothes pins:

I slept really well last night.  Was it exhaustion or did the darkened room really help?  I will try it again tonight to find out!

But in the meantime, here's what my day looks like, which makes me happy:

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