Thursday, June 22, 2023

Housing Remodel Updates

I have a different view from my writing desk, which until a few days ago was facing a wall:

Actually, that's the view when I'm standing at the desk.  The view from my seat is trees and a bit of the roof of the next door neighbors' cottage.  Here's the view from where I'm sitting:

We have spent the past week moving boxes and the desk.  The next phase of the home remodel is underway!  We have two bathrooms and they both need attention.  Plus we need to create a small laundry room--the space we have now isn't big enough for modern washers and dryers, which are so much more HUGE than their 1975 counterparts.  Here's the 1975 model, in all its avocado glory:

We are not done with the kitchen remodel, but it's coming along.  Yesterday, we got the gas connected, a multi-step process, which means we can have a working gas stove.  Here's a picture:

We are still waiting on countertops and tin for the backsplash; the installers need to come back to install the microwave (which is also a hood and surface lights for the stove).  The dishwasher can't be connected until the countertops are in.  At this rate, we'll be lucky to have a working kitchen by August.

But we are making progress.  Slowly, slowly.

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