Friday, June 23, 2023

Weather Report: Our Dreary June Continues

Our dreary June continues.  Once again, I've turned on the heat and reflected on how I have never turned on the heat in June.  Granted, I've never lived in the mountains before either, but this rainy June chill is unusual for the mountains too.  I am not complaining, but my spouse complains bitterly, day after day.

My hydrangea that's planted in a pot is happy, though.  After being abandoned last week when we left suddenly for 4 days, it was looking a bit wilted.

As I've been tracking tropical storms (force of habit), I'm looking at satellite images that show the whole continent of North America, and I can't help but notice that no part of the U.S. has sun, except for Texas which has way, way too much sun.  That fact does not help my spouse's mood.  We could really use a day or two of sun to help his mood improve--and that would help my mood improve.

In some ways, this has been a great month to be taking a seminary class that focuses on film.  Rainy afternoons curled up with a movie--we wouldn't be out hiking or doing something outdoorsy in this rain.

Yesterday we watched The Battle of Algiers, which I'm not sure I was aware of until this class.  Unlike other films, like Birth of a Nation, this one wasn't ever on my radar screen.  In some ways, it was interesting.  In other ways, I wished it had been shorter.  On and on we went, with shootings and stabbings and bombings--people fighting for their freedom or terrorism?  I suspect it's impossible to see this movie the same way after the terrorist events of Sept. 11, 2001.

As I closed the curtains for the night, I thought I saw a firefly outside.  I watched, and yes, yes I did.  The first firefly of the season.  I'm choosing to see it as a good omen.

The blue skies this morning help too.

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