Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Teaching Performance Review

I only have time for the briefest of writings today.  Soon I need to get ready to head down the mountain to teach my English classes at Spartanburg Methodist College.  It's that time of the semester when I'm not sure which technique is best for my English Composition classes, but I'm about to decide on a week of mini-conferences next week and a time to write together on Thursday.  

I always feel this odd guilt, like I need to be the "sage on the stage" for every single minute that they are in class--that they've paid a certain amount, and I better make sure they get their money's worth.  In our entertainment culture, I often equate "money's worth" to "good performance."

But a time of writing with others also writing is something we don't get to experience very often.  A time of writing with a writing teacher nearby probably feels special.

Let me return to these thoughts later.  It occurs to me that I might need an additional handout today.

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