Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Good Kind of Tired

I feel tired today in ways that mystify me, as if yesterday was a heavy duty day.  Of course, in some ways, it was:  I drove down to Spartanburg, spent the day teaching, drove back, helped my spouse with a job application (much more cumbersome a process than it sounds, with all the information needing to be entered on a job portal that was clunky and repetitive), and then went to a neighborhood committee meeting.

Today I've got some writing to do for seminary in the morning, two different Zoom sessions this evening and quilting in between.  I shouldn't feel tired, but I do.

Let me also remember that I got a lot of work done on Monday, which also leaves me tired.  And all of this tiredness is the good kind of tired.

I feel grateful that I'm at a time when I have a lot to think about, but it's all stuff I want to be thinking about.  My brain is not filled with accreditation issues.  I am not stressed about money or home repairs (yes, we have lots of home repairs that need to be done, but I'm not stressed about them, at least not today).  I feel very lucky.

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