Monday, June 24, 2024

Low Energy Monday

I am off schedule this morning.  It would be interesting to go back through this blog and see how often I am off schedule on Mondays.  It often takes awhile for my Sunday to catch up with me, and I am surprised to find myself tired on Mondays.

We are also having summerish temperatures, which disrupts my sleep, regardless of air conditioning.  Air conditioning helps, don't get me wrong.  But I much prefer a lovely winter bedroom, when the outside temp is cool, and I am snuggled in flannel (flannel pjs, flannel sheets).  The overnight temps are much cooler here than they are other places, but it's still humid.

Yesterday left me more wiped out than usual.  I decided that with the early sunrise in summer, I would get my walk in before we left for Bristol at 7:30 a.m.  That was successful:  a lovely walk.  Yesterday was a longer day at church, with sandwiches and ice cream sundaes after worship.  It was delightful, but it put us home several hours later than usual.

I did some reading on the deck in the late afternoon, which was both delightful and left me too warm.  I feel like I never cooled down enough for a good sleep.  It's strange that I often have disrupted sleep both on the night before Sunday worship and the night after Sunday worship.

Happily, these days I can adjust my schedule on Mondays.  I'm not sure what happens when my schedule picks up mid-August.  Perhaps Mondays will be low-key days in my classroom.  Or maybe teaching will give me energy.

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